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Why Is Aatmikta Called Direct Route To Happiness?

The term “Aatmikta” is one of the primary concepts of Hinduism, and its mention is there in almost all the holy and venerated books of Sanathana Hindu dharma philosophy. Aatmikta is inclusive of all facets such as the respect for divinity, aatma and its divinity, renunciation from excessive worldly attachment, realization of divinity in oneself, sadhana to connect with the divinity within us to name a few.aatmikta img

Sanathana Hindu dharma considers aatmikta as the direct route to attaining genuine happiness. This write-up is going to succinctly elaborate upon the reasons why this term is synonymous with happiness.

  • Basically, an “aatmikta” individual is not controlled by worldly/ materialistic objectives. They relentlessly strive in the direction of self-realization and establishing a connection with the Divine Source.
  • The happiness/ pleasure derived from temporal matters does not last long, and the person very soon goes back to the state of “lacking something.” But, this isn’t the case with aspects related to “aatmikta.” The joy that a sadhaka derives in their pursuit of realizing their true self is permanent. It is an ever-present state of experiencing connectedness with the Ultimate Reality.
  • Happiness/ unhappiness is nothing but the way in which a mind responds to external circumstances. These situations cannot be the reasons for your joy/ sorrow. It’s only the human mind that perceives and interprets things and tells you whether or not you are experiencing happiness.
  • But, the scenario completely changes when you take into consideration someone driven by an “aatmikta” outlook. Such a person has control over their mind, and as a result; external triggers do not possess the power to disturb their mind. Tranquility becomes the natural state of these minds; thus this sadhaka has no hindrances in remaining happy.
  • People who are obsessed with materialistic goals and worldly things live in a constant state of fear – it is the fear of losing possessions/ persons dear to them. This consistently – present sense of insecurity prevents them from being happy except for short durations! On the other hand, we have the “aatmik” individual, who has long overcome such earthly fears. And, when human beings have freed themselves of all such negativity, pure happiness is what remains!
  • A person leading their life with the “aatmikta” angle is aware that it’s the soul, and not the body, that is their true self. They don’t attach any relevance to the ego, which actually is the main element that makes an individual experience positive/ negative emotions. And, for such a realized human being, joy is a thing that happens naturally.
  • Most people are unsuccessful in their quest for happiness. They are under the erroneous notion that joy can be found by chasing things that are outside because that way of thinking is easy to understand for everyone. Little do they realize that the source of happiness is actually in their connection with their aatma.
  • But, people who have attained knowledge about the aatman face no such problems. As they have gained awareness about the real self, blissfulness becomes their nature if they do regular sadhana. The Hindu mantra “Aham Brahmasmi”, which translates into “I am divine/Brahman,” speaks about the divinity that is latent in every soul. And, bliss can never be distant from the sadhak who experiences it.

The subject “aatmikta is a direct route to bliss” is complicated and an attempt has been made to simplify it for a layperson. Hope this sincere attempt to give the reader an overall idea of this unique Hindu concept of aatmikta as direct route to happiness was helpful.

Note: Also read about ethics and values as per Hindu Sanathana DharmaSamanya Dharma, Apad Dharma, Vishesha Dharma.

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