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Dharma Meaning In English – Why Its Not Easy To Translate?
The word “dharma” is among the most important terms in Hinduism. However, the dictionary meanings that come up on the

Samanya Dharma – A Beginners Introduction
When we see “Samanya Dharma”, the word “Samanya” conveys the meaning of “general/common.” So, Samanya Dharma focuses on those duties

Food As Medicine – Eating Properly For Immunity And Health
Food is necessary for every living being on earth. Whether it is animals, plants, or microorganisms, everyone needs food to
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Sugar: Originated In India – Till 15th Century It Was Rare And Expensive In Western World
Sugar is one of the quintessential ingredients found in almost every kitchen across the world. A very little-known fact is

64 Kala
The 64 kala system is much misunderstood by modern audiences. The below illustration gives you 2 quick insights about 64

Evolution Of Varta In Ancient Bharat
Varta was an important subject of knowledge in ancient Bharat, the scope of which was centered on economics and creating

Do Spinach and Tomatoes Cause Kidney Stones?
Many of us have this doubt – does eating food items having both spinach and tomatoes cause kidney stones?. But
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Resolving Misunderstanding Of The Bharatiya Chausat Kalas
The Kalas of ancient Bharat include the 64 forms of fine arts and crafts, which are also called Chausat or

The Uniqueness Of Hinduism – Concept Of Divine Immanence
According to Hinduism or Sanathana Hindu Dharma, “immanence” is a philosophical concept of utmost significance. This is essential to get

About Hinduism – A Short Intro And Fact Sheet
Hinduism or more accurately Sanathana Dharma came into existence in India, and gradually expanded to some other countries. Hinduism has

The Four Purusharthas – The Goals of Life
The four purusharthas the dharma, artha, kama and moksha are the goals of human life. These are the things for which every person strives for. Knowing the actual and in-depth meaning of purusharthas and following them helps lead a meaningful life.
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Math Is An Easy Subject If Kids Are Trained Properly
Math is one of the most interesting subjects when you know how to teach it with the right approach and
Don’t Complicate Math For Kids And Scare Them
Did you dread mathematics as your subject during school days? Was Math the least favorite during college major? Well! The
Why Does Mathematics Have Unpleasant Memories for Many Adults?
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Indian Salaries Have More Buying Power Than Foreign Salaries
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The Concept of Purchasing Power Parity
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Pay Rs. 470/- and Get Your Credit Score from CIBIL
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Justice & Fairness: A Comparative Analysis
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Sources Of Beliefs & Acquisition Of Knowledge
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Epistemology: Scepticism & Limits Of Knowledge
Its focus on knowledge and belief makes epistemology a study intimately intertwined with skepticism, forcing us to ponder the nature