– Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient

About Us

At, we started on secular lines by providing smart tips, insights, and building perspective to make the right choices to handle challenges on “Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient”. Over time, we realized one of the best ways to cultivate wiseness was to take concepts from the Sanathana dharma philosophy. Also, our audience is mostly the Hindu diaspora across the globe.

We found the Sanathana philosophy concepts of wiseness to bond together to form an integrated and complete model. No wonder many concepts from Sanathana Dharma and its ancient knowledge system have made their way into modernity either as Yoga, breath control (Pranayama), or intermittent dieting. So for benefit of readers, we started drilling down more into Sanathana Dharma and its ancient knowledge system and make it easily understandable for modern audiences. While at the same time, we retained the other concepts of health and finance also available like in the past.

Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient
The site content is guided by the motto of ‘Being wise, healthy and financially sufficient’. Being wise is the foundation for a good life, as decisions guided by wisdom lead to better outcomes and durable success. Good health is important to enjoy and experience this world. Everybody cannot be rich and desires keep growing and cannot be satisfied. But everyone can be financially sufficient to take care of their reasonable needs by making some sensible choices about financial matters.

Being Wise
As discussed earlier, we have simplified various Sanathana dharma concepts for which there is much eagerness to learn among the Hindu diaspora. On ‘being wise’ we not only cover profound philosophical items but also pragmatic and practical matters also for living a sensible life. Some of the useful content from which you can learn is about 64 Kala, samanya dharma, what is a rat race, delayed gratificationthe right attitude, yoga, and meditation among other topics.

Also practical topics like AC and ventilation, smart living, awareness, opinions, personal productivity, vedik mathematics, philosophy, social skills, and technology.

Being Healthy
Being healthy is essential for good life – there can be no success and good life without good health. In this section, you can learn many aspects of healthy living especially about diabetic diet, dental health and other health tips. Also, find answers to common questions such as – whether eating spinach and tomato causes kidney stones, south indian diabetic diet plan among others.

Being Financially Sufficient provides useful information on topics to make a person financial sufficient by making right choices about money and finance. Learn about concepts and frameworks like shopping addiction, living below means, house poorliving standards, money, finance among other topics to reach the destination towards being financially sufficient. – Our Goal Is To Be Service Oriented, Credible And Objective Site will continue to bring thought provoking and objective information on various aspects of daily life in future.

The information provided on covers all aspects of daily living that is crucial to make you wise, healthy, and financially sufficient. The articles provided are thorough, insightful, and objective that will leave you more informed, plan better, and look forward in life with different perspective.

You will face challenges throughout your life. The true test lies in tackling these challenges rather than submitting before the circumstances and irrational fears. It is ultimately your choice that decides the quality of life you will lead.  Those choices are shaped by your exposure to situations and your knowledge. That is reason why knowledge is important.

Informative articles are provided on various categories. For better navigation and to easily find the specific information, tags have been provided.

Some Useful Article Suggestions:

What Can We Learn from Ancient Indian Civilization?
Do Spinach and Tomatoes Cause Kidney Stones?
What Is Vedik Mathematics? How Is It Different?
Permanent cure for Acidity (Nobel Prize Awarded)
Four Stages Of Person’s Life (Indian)
Good Family Upbringing Develops Strong Soft Skills In Kids?

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