– Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient

Chausat Or Chathushasti Kalas

64 Kalas, Chausat Or Chathushasti Kala

The 64 kala are much misunderstood today. The below illustration gives you 2 quick insights about 64 kalas.

  • Fine arts are a small part of the 64 kalas.
  • Secondly, we have grouped by category for further clarity and understanding.


64 Kala – inaccurate translations online
The existing descriptions on many websites of the 64 Kala is inaccurate, trivialized and distorted. This is due to the destruction of the traditional Bharatiya education system under Colonial British Rule and invaders before that. Many English translations of 64 kalas on the web are ignorant or mischevious translations based on Colonial Raj books or coloniality. These English translations contrast with the well known fact that 64 kalas connect a person to the divine.

64 Kalas – correct and respectful english translations
We have worked hard to give correct meaning for each kala and also describe them in a way that current generation can understand. Since, most people think that 64 kala is only fine arts, we have kept those kalas towards the end. Happy reading and knowing all the 64 kalas of ancient India.

64 Kala – science, technology, engineering & medicine category

64 Kala STEM Category1. Udaka-ghata – aqueduct engineer – creating man made structures or aqueducts for supplying water over long distances. Employed ancient engineering methods in calculating the elevation between two water reservoirs and constructed canals with the exact gradient of the canal to a fine precision.

2. Yantra-matrika – mechanist, mechanical engineer – art of mechanics.

3. Dhatu-vada – metallurgist – art of metallurgy.

4. Akara jnana – mineral exploration, geologist – knowledge of mines; art of mineralogy.

5. Vrikshayur-veda-yoga – herbal medicinist – art of practicing medicine or medical treatment by herbs.

6. Kriya-vikalpa – innovator, writer, author – art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy.

64 Kala – language & communication arts category

64 kala language and communication category7. Desa-bhasha-jnana – local language linguist – art of knowing provincial dialects.

8. Akshara-mushtika-kathana – hand signs – art of talking with fingers.

9. Kavya-samasya-purana – solving poetry riddles – art of solving enigmatic verses.

10. Abhidhana-kosha-cchando-jnana – lexicographer – art of the use of lexicography and meters.

11. Manasi kavya-kriya – extempore poet – art of improvising / composing verse especially extempore, on-stage. composition in poetry.

12. Pustaka-vacana – book reader – art of reciting books.

13. Durvacaka-yoga – chanter – art reciting verses in such a way that it is difficult for others to repeat.

64 Kala – administrative arts category

14. Vainayiki vidya – supervisor – art of enforcing discipline.

15. Vaijayiki vidya – strategist art of gaining victory.

64 Kala – military arts category

16. Pattika-vetra-bana-vikalpa – weapon maker – art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.

17. Mlecchita-kutarka-vikalpa – foreign language specialist, subverter  – art of studying the books of rakshasas, barbarians and asuras – fabricating illogical, fallacious delusional stories. Knowledge of foreign languages, fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry to subvert the enemy nation.

18. Chitraaschya – saboteur – herbal preparations to weaken the enemy.

64 Kala – textiles, jewellery & fashion category

64 Kala Fashion Jewellery Textile category

19. Tarku-karma: yarn maker – art of spinning by spindle, weaving yarn with hand spinning.

20. Vastra-gopana: cloth presenter – art of making cloth more appealing to a person, increase aesthetics with clothing.

21. Bhushana-yojana fashion designer / costume designer – designing, making & wearing of variety of ornaments.

22. Nepathya-yoga – beautician / make-up artist – art of make-up.

23. Suci-vaya-karma – needle man / needle woman – art of using needle for decorative seewing and textile arts.

24. Karnapatra-bhanga – earrings jeweller – designing & making ear rings from different materials.

25. Mani-bhumika-karma – gem polisher, gem cutter, lapidary – art of making the groundwork of jewels.

26. Raupya-ratna-pariksha – jewellery tester – art of testing silver and jewels.

27. Mani-raga jnana – gem examiner – knowledge of gems, diamonds and pearls – art of identifying pearls and gems of different colours and groups.

64 Kala – recreation & entertainment category

64 Kala recreation entertainment category28. Aindra-jala – juggler – art of juggling.

29. Hasta-laghava – magician / sleight of hand – art of using sleight of hand  to perform magic tricks.

30. Sutra-krida – puppeteer – art of playing with thread – puppetry.

31. Balaka-kridanaka – child entertainer – art of using toys to entertain children.

32. Prahelika – riddles art of making and solving riddles.

33. Natikakhyayika-darsana – story teller – art of storytelling – enacting short plays and anecdotes.

34. Dyuta-visesha – gambler – art of knowing specific types of gambling.

35. Akarsha-krida – gambler – art of playing with dice or magnet.

64 Kala – hospitality and lifestyle category

64 Kala Hospitality Lifestyle category36. Citra-sakapupa-bhakshya-vikara-kriya – chef/cook – art of preparing varieties of delicious food.

37. Panaka-rasa-ragasava-yojana – beverage maker – art of preparing palatable drinks especially tingling draught drinks having red color.

38. Vaitaliki vidya – human alarm / butler – art of awakening master with music at dawn.

39. Utsadana – aroma therapist – art of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes.

40. Sugandha-yukti: perfume maker – art of practical application of aromatics.

41. Kesa-marjana-kausala – hair setter – art of combing hair.

42. Malya-grathana-vikalpa – florist – art of designing a preparation of wreaths.

43. Sekharapida-yojana – turban setter – art of practically setting the coronet on the head.

64 Kala – domestic arts category

64 Kala Domestic Arts category44. Tandula-kusuma-bali-vikara – flower decorator – art of decoration flowers on a string especially as offering to divine or welcome the divine.

45. Pushpastarana – flower decorator – art of beautiful arrangement of flowers in layers or patterns.

46. Dasana-vasananga-raga – home decorator & beautician – art related to home and personal hygiene – ten arts for healthy and aesthetic home, clothing and body including rangoli and mehendi.

47. Aayya-racana – housekeeper – art of making arrangement for a comfortable stay. 

64 Kalas – construction category

48. Vastu-vidya: architect – art of house design for enhancing functionality, safety and aesthetics.

49. Chalitaka-yoga: monument builder – practioner of the art of building shrines.

50. Takshana: carpenter – art of carpentry.

64 Kala – zookeeper or animal or bird keeper category

64 Kala Zoo animal Bird keeper category

51. Mesha-kukkuta-lavaka-yuddha-vidhi – bird keeper / animal keeper – art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.

52. Suka-sarika-pralapana – bird keeper – art of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and female cockatoos (parrots).

64 Kala – miscellaneous arts category

53. Dharana-matrika – amulet specialist – art of the use of amulets.

54. Nirmiti-jnana – heavenly predictions / fortune telling psychic, fortune teller art of knowing prediction by supernatural or heavenly voice.

64 Kala – etiquette category

64 Kala Ettiquitte Art Of Conversation Cateogry

55. Kaucumara – etiquette – art form involving to excude charm, finesse and social grace.

56. Samvacya – conversationalist – art of conversation.

64 Kala – fine arts category

57. Geet vidya – singer – art of singing.

58. Vadya vidya – musician – art of playing on musical instruments.

59. Nritya vidya  – dancer – art of dancing.

60. Natya vidya – actor or performer – art of theatricals.

61. Alekhya vidya – painter – art of painting.

62. Viseshakacchedya vidya – stage or theatrical makeup artist – art of painting the face and body with color as needed for theatre performance.

63. Udaka-vadya – musician using water filled instruments – art of playing music with water filled bowls. Example: Jaltarang.

64. Vina-damuraka-vadya – musician who plays veena or damru art of playing on veena (Indian lute) and/or hourglass shaped drum (damru).

65. Citra-yoga – face painter / body painter – art of practically applying an admixture of colors on face or body.

Note: The above list is comprehensive. The list has more than 64 kalas as some kala are mentioned in one source but not in others.

64 Kalas and divinity: Did you know that Devi Saraswati is the Goddess of Vidya as well as the Kalas? Further, the letter ‘ka’ in kala represents Bhagwan Brahma – the creator of the universe. ‘Kala’ Sanskrit root words translates to doing something that makes a person happy. 64 Kalas, Chausat or Chathushasti Kala are part of the vedic education of 14 vidya and 64 kala system.

64 Kala more articles:
Please find below several additional articles about 64 kala to make this concept easier to understand for modern audiences. Happy reading!

The 64 Kalas, which are called Chausath Kalas or Chathusashti Kalas, were important elements of the ancient education system of India. On reading the term Kala, many people mistakenly think that the scope of Chausath Kalas is confined only to fine arts. But that is not the case. 

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The 64 Kalas, are inseparable elements of the educational heritage of India. The knowledge about these field in fine arts, vocations, crafts, and trades was imparted to students in traditional of education. The British rulers promoted British-manufactured products the cost of Indian craftsmen.

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The Kalas of ancient Bharat include 64 forms of fine arts and crafts, Chausat or Chathusashti Kalas. Unfortunately many people only have erroneous views on it. Just because of usage of term Kala, it is thought that it includes only fine arts. But it’s not so. This article present a correct picture.

Click Here For More Info

Rich Heritage Of Employable Skills Through Kalas Lost in Macaulay Education System
Singing, painting, dancing, cooking delicacies, metallurgy, and carpentry are just a few of the 64 ancient Indian arts. For a person skilled in any of these kalas, employability was not at all an issue.
William Durant On Ancient Indian Artistic Heritage
Durant says, “Every mature workman was a craftsman, giving form and personality to the product of his skill and taste. Probably, no other nation known to us has ever had so exuberant a variety of arts.”
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