– Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient

Why Ignorance Of The Hindu Dharma System Harms Hindu Children’s Personality Development?

For proper personality development in children being brought up in Hindu households, thorough knowledge of Sanatana Dharma must be provided to them. The noble and timeless precepts of the Hindu Dharmik system also include clear guidelines that explain the correct upbringing of kids. But unfortunately, most of the children are ignorant even about the basics of dharma. For, the grown-ups in many Hindu families of these days themselves aren’t aware of the uniqueness of Hinduism.

The focus is only on Western education, which they mistakenly regard to be way superior to the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma. Amid such an atmosphere, children have no chance of comprehending the great things that the oldest religion in the world teaches. Their overall personality development hence gets affected.

  • In several Hindu households, kids are brainwashed to believe that obtaining academic qualifications as per the English education system is enough for a successful life. Things such as wisdom, ethics, and morals are considered to be of little value. When this is the ambiance in which a child grows up, the development of character and personality is not possible.
  • There is no denying the fact that the Western pattern of education enables children to have a rewarding career and a financially stable life. But, it is only the Hindu Dharmik system that ensures that an individual can use the knowledge gained only for good purposes. When kids are not aware of the Sanatana Dharma principles, they will be unable to distinguish between right and wrong. They then grow up into adults who lack wisdom.
  • If the little ones are not provided any exposure to the Dharmik way of life, they could gradually embrace materialism. Over time, they are likely to become adults whose lives are centered solely on the pursuit of pleasures and materialistic goals. With this misguided approach, there is a strong likelihood of these individuals acting in ways that disturb social harmony.
  • This is the era where earning money is given topmost priority, even if it involves a bit of deviation from the accepted ethical standards. That is the way the elders in several Hindu homes act, and children just emulate them. There are hardly any households that explain to the younger folks the relevance of life conforming to tenets of Sanatana Dharma. And, impressions that are imprinted on tender minds usually remain for a lifetime.
  • Many writers of Western societies have attempted to translate numerous scriptures of Hinduism. But, most of these translations have ended up only misinterpreting the sacred works. And sadly, this is what is taught to kids in modern-day schools and colleges. Due to this, the children get a distorted picture of the Dharma, which they consider to be of no significance in contemporary times.

In this context, if parents and elders are negligent about giving dharma-based guidance, the child will forever be ignorant of the glory of Sanatana Dharma. They will then be hindered in developing positive personality traits essential for human life.

  • The Hindu Dharmik system clearly states that spirituality is as important as academics, and this aspect should be inculcated into the impressionable minds of children. And, that is not happening anymore. As a result, kids and youth are not in a position to adopt a dharmik approach while pursuing materialistic objectives. Trying to handle varied situations of life without a spiritual perspective endangers the well-being of people.

Note: Also read about ethics and values as per Hindu Sanathana Dharma – Samanya DharmaApad DharmaVishesha Dharma.

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