Top Green Tea Brands in India
With growing awareness about the health benefits of green tea, more and more people are discontinuing the usage of their traditional teas to go for this cupful of healthy beverage. Having green tea twice or thrice a day can do wonders because it has large amounts of antioxidants and poly-phenols that fights against free radicals, while protecting certain cells and molecules from getting damaged. Free radicals are the main cause for aging process, cell mutations, damage to immune system and contribute to major diseases like cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer disease, heart stroke etc.
Today we have innumerable options for green tea and it is really confusing to decide which one to go for. Hence to assist you with the right choice, we have put together the best green tea brands that are available in India.
Tetley Pure Green tea:
Tetley is one among the popular tea brands in India, that has made its way into quite a few households with its awful taste and pleasant color. Even though there are many manufacturers in the market with new variants, Tetley is still able to maintain good market share because of its economical package and inexpensive price. Each Tetley tea bag contains 2 gms of green tea and comes in wide variety of flavors like ginger & lemon, citrus & spice, cinnamon & honey, aloe vera etc.
Organic India:
Organic India has gained popularity over the last two years because all their green tea products are infused with either tulsi or basil. They offer many variants combining with tulsi flavor which includes lemon-ginger, earl grey, jasmine, and pomegranate. Their green tea products not only enhance the metabolism to burn fats but also help in reducing stress and cold. You can buy Organic India green tea blends either in the form of loose leaves or as tea bags.
Twinings has a rich history of over 300 years in the manufacture of wide varieties of teas that includes both organic and in-organic with different combinations like Earl Grey Green Tea, Jasmine, lemon & mint and other fruit flavored options. Their range of green teas comes in various forms – loose leaves as well as the individually wrapped tea bags with different count. Twining green tea products are enriched with high anti-oxidants, great taste and pleasant light lemon color that gives real refreshment to the mind in case of stress and anxiety.
If you want to have a rich taste of Sri Lankan tea in exotic blends, Balisur is one of the good choices. The product is quite expensive when compared to other local brands, but it offers 100% Ceylon tea flavor that comes in attractive packaging. Balisur offers wide varieties of classic and continental blends that are mixed with subtle flavors of fruits and flowers.
Gaia is one among the popular brands of green tea in India that has made its name for quality and taste. All Gaia variants like ginger, lemon, mint and other herbal flavors offer rich antioxidants that are helpful to increase the energy levels and maintain good health condition. This green tea keeps your body weight in control and also fights against stress and fatigue.
Lipton Green tea:
As we all know, Lipton is one of the oldest names in the tea brands for its aroma and taste. Buying Lipton green tea is not only economical but keeps you in good mood with its refreshing flavor. The product has natural taste and coloring and comes as individually wrapped tea bags. Natural, citrous, mint and jasmine are some of the most popular variants that are consumed by large population in India.
Taj Mahal Green Tea:
Taj Mahal is a 40 year old brand from Hindustan Unilever that is consistently evolving to change its quality and taste as per the market needs. Taj Mahal green tea which is known for its refreshing flavor, is the right choice for health conscious people as it is exclusively made to supply rich anti-oxidants that enrich good health benefits. Among different green tea variants honey lemon and Darjeeling are the most desired flavors in India.
Happy Valley:
Another popular brand in the organic list is the Happy Valley, which is known for its different types and flavors of tea. They supply Darjeeling green tea with strong anti-oxidants which provides immense health benefits that effectively work on cancer cells, immune system and in controlling LDL cholesterol levels. Usually, the brewed tea will be light in color but it retains all the natural ingredients which is necessary to keep your body healthy.
Chamong premium Green Tea:
Chamong is one among the largest organic tea producers that are specialized in supplying Darjeeling and Assam teas. Their green teas are full of antioxidant properties that helps in reducing stress level, control body weight, and enhance metabolism besides offering various health benefits. Having a cup of Chamong green tea with natural sweet aromatic flavor will refresh your mood and keeps you stay alert.
Even though LaPlant green teas are newly introduced into the market, they have managed to establish their name because of quality and taste. These garden fresh green teas are reasonably priced, come in attractive metalized envelope packing and offer various herbal and natural blends with fine aroma.
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