Yoga Is A Practice
Many times, a person is introduced to yoga by seeing someone doing some really difficult stretching exercises either on TV or online. For the sake of explaining to a layperson, in this article we are using stretching exercises as a synonym for the more technically correct term of yogic postures or Asanas.
to yoga
The term yoga is a Sanskrit term. Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. The primary book on yoga was written thousands of years back, this book is called The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Yoga combines breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. Today most of the people are practicing yoga and engaging themselves into various asanas, all these are physical postures design to keep their body fit and agile. Yoga also helps to increase energy levels and get rid of lethargy.
Importance of practice in doing yoga
After an initial introduction to its framework, the emphasis of yoga is a lot in its practice. Yoga is not knowledge and it does not encourage it as a past time reading.
If you know how to choose a ripe pineapple, this knowledge is helpful on the few days of a year when you purchase pineapple for your house to apply that knowledge when you purchase a pineapple. You can probably as effectively pick the pineapple today and you do did 6 months back. However, Yoga is not like that.
Yoga is a practice, as you do, you discover for yourself the benefits of yoga. Stamina is there only when you exercise. Similarly, the benefits of yoga don’t come from knowing but by doing yoga. So once again, the key point is that the emphasis of yoga is on practicing it. You need to do yoga continuously to be to make use of it. It is something that can be discovered by practice and its benefits can only be achieved by regular practice.
Yoga is a practice, the reason why it is called a practice because the more you practice the more perfect and better you will become in yoga. In yoga, if you try to do some of the difficult postures, initially it would be difficult for you to do it well but as you practice regularly it will help you to do it correctly. Yoga is a practice and as you practice continuously your body will become more flexible.
Most people have seen that a regular practice of yoga will make your body more flexible and you start feeling good physically. Initially, you may face difficulties but slowly your body will get used to it, you will feel like doing yoga for more time. In addition to bodily flexibility, there are many other benefits that you can get by practicing yoga regularly.
Yoga practice will introduce you to the issues with the mind. It will help you realize how the mind can cause distortions and how to correct the distortions of the mind. Yoga will help you understand your mind and yourself better. Yoga involves the conditioning of both mind and body. Yoga is a philosophy and it will provide a framework for spiritual growth and help you get control over your senses, upon your body and mind.
Advantages of doing yoga
Yoga practice is continuous learning and the more you do the more you understand the depth and significance of yoga in making you a better person. It is the best way to understand our mind and body and our whole physical existence. Yoga is also a philosophy. In addition to physical stretching, calming the mind and breathing exercises which is more popular with those who are into initial learning.
Yoga helps you to solve various problems calmly and effectively. This reduction of unnecessary tension, and making you calmer has many positive effects. On the one hand, it helps you to increase your productivity. Secondly, reduced tension helps you see the situation better and overcome daily challenges as you are not caught up in some emotional drama. It not only gives you physical strength and mental stability but also helps to take suitable action at the right time. All these benefits can be received if we continuously practice yoga.
Benefits of yoga obtained only by doing it
Yoga is not a knowledge that can be learned by reading books, it is an experience that will come by practicing it continuously. It helps not to get distracted and to pay attention to your work so that you can do your job better and achieve more productivity. The physical asanas help you improve your fitness and energy levels and make you fit to handle the challenges that life throws at you.
One cannot become an expert in yoga in a couple of months. However and hopefully, like for many who have got into it, it may make you feel better so much that gets you into the habit of doing it regularly.