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How Hindu Dharmik System Helps Develop Good Character In Children And Youth?

In the past seven decades or so, several ethnic groups and people of diverse religious affiliations have developed an interest in the noble precepts of Hinduism. These persons and groups have realized that the approach of Sanatana dharma is the most practical one that resolves many issues of contemporary times.

It is also obvious that when guidance is provided to children and youth based on the Hindu dharmik system, they grow up into individuals of good character. This article is going to succinctly focus on a few salient points of this subject.

  • Firstly, one of the primary tenets of Hinduism emphasizes that every soul is divine. Sanatana dharma encourages its followers to do sadhana and personally experience this divinity. If a child is brought up in an ambiance in tune with Hindu dharma, they become conscious of this key aspect at a tender age itself. And, awareness of the real self helps the young individual in building good character.
  • In a household that meticulously follows Hindu dharma, parents and elders act and behave in a way in accordance with this traditional system. They set an example to emulate, for children in the family. And, impressions that get imprinted on the mind in the formative years generally remain with the person for their whole life. Leading a life of unquestionable integrity will be a logical consequence for kids who grow up in these homes.
  • Hinduism is actually not a religion, but a way of life where there is a lot of flexibility. The dharma teaches how to strike a perfect balance between worldly pursuits and adherence to dharma. Hindu religion guides people about the way in which they can earn material things without having to deviate from good character. When this knowledge is imparted to kids, they aren’t hassled in having a great career and material possessions, which are obtained only through dharmik ways.
  • The Hindu dharma highlights the fact that each child is unique, and a single, rigid set of standards can’t be applied to all children. These standards are with respect to how things are taught to kids. Accordingly, parents, elders, and gurus adopt varied approaches to educate kids and youth about aspects of dharma.

As a result, these young minds will be able to grasp the significance of dharma and character in the initial stages of life itself. Once this happens, these children shall become responsible members of society who have flawless character.

  • There is a crucial element in Hinduism that sets it apart from other religions of the world. Sanatana Dharma believes in adopting a soft and amicable attitude while providing education to children. Things like anger and aggression are shunned by gurus while teaching young people. When a child receives guidance as per the Hindu dharmik system, they get to learn in a serene ambiance where fear has no place.

The mistakes committed are brought to the attention of children in a gentle way. How to avoid these is explained in an equally affectionate manner, as well. That is the cordial environment amid which kids are taught about dharma and values, in Hinduism. Thus, it’s unsurprising that they quickly comprehend the relevance of good character in life.

  • Hindu dharma inculcates the importance of spirituality and repetition of divine names, in the very early years of an individual’s life. These aspects go a long way in properly shaping the character of people.
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