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Concept Of Beauty And Feminine Appearance In Ancient India

Beauty is a concept that depends on perception, and it always goes through numerous changes over time. The perception of what constitutes feminine beauty today has developed in the last few decades. Looking back at ancient India, we can find that the notions of what makes a woman truly beautiful were drastically different from the notions that are prevalent today. Religion shaped the ideas and values of people in Indian society since the earliest days, and it also had a crucial role to play in dictating the norms of beauty. Apart from religion, the socio-cultural beliefs and day-to-day lifestyle of women shaped their beauty practices.

It is also important to note that in India, there has always been a lot of diversity in ideas when it comes to women’s feminine appearance and beauty. These ideas varied across regions and different periods. The existing cultural norms in a given area also shape the notions of beauty.

Here are some concepts of beauty and feminine appearance that were prevalent in Ancient India.

Traditional Attire
The saree has been a universally adopted garment among women in India since the earliest times. It not only accentuated the feminine appearance of women and made them look graceful, but the saree also kept the women comfortable in the tropical climatic conditions of the country. Different variations of the saree as a draped garment evolved, and each region of India has its variations of this attire. Women also had a lot of choices in terms of the fabric of the saree.

Jewelry, accessories and adornments
Wearing jewelry along with sarees was a common practice among women of Ancient India as it is today. The types of jewelry pieces and accessories popularly worn by Indian women are necklaces and earrings. It was also common to wear bangles, mang tikka, and anklets, and they all came in several stylish designs. Gold was the most widely used material for producing jewelry, and silver came second to that. Precious stones, like diamonds and rubies, added beauty to the accessories.

Hairstyles and the use of hair accessories
Women’s hairstyles have always been considered an essential part of their feminine beauty. Hence, it is no wonder that the Indian women during those times loved to experiment with their hairstyles. While some women preferred to tie up their hair in most circumstances, others loved keeping their hair free and open. The women also further complemented the look of their hair by using beads, flowers, pearls, and hairpins.

Cosmetics and Skin Care products
Unlike modern times, women in ancient India always used natural ingredients to take care of their skin. To make their eyes look prominent and beautiful, women in India wore kajal or kohl around them. They also applied turmeric powder and sandalwood paste on their skin for their unique beneficial properties.

Wrapping Up
Women in ancient India adhered to healthy skincare routines and dressed in a way that aligned with their religious and cultural beliefs. Their beauty practices were practical and were deeply influenced by the beliefs of their era. They made the best use of the skincare and beauty materials that were accessible to them.