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Respect the Law

The importance of respecting the law for citizens can never be overstated. For, it is primarily because of law that there is orderliness in society; the behavior of human beings is regulated. Apart from that, there are many other points pertinent to “why the law needs to be respected?” This article is going to briefly elaborate on some of those significant aspects.

  • It should be emphasized that the law is not just a list of regulations that has to be compulsorily followed by everyone. The truth is that the presence of a good legal framework that serves justice to one and all is an indicator of a civilized society.
  • Any society will be able to prosper only when the people living in it show the utmost respect for the law. Then there will be peace in the region, and people and businesses will be provided the right ambiance to work for their growth.
  • Ideally, people should not obey the laws just because violating them will make them face legal repercussions. That reflects a narrow mindset. The law has to be respected wholeheartedly because it safeguards the rights that an individual possesses. The protection offered by the law ensures that people can go on with their personal and professional lives devoid of any hassles.
  • It’s chiefly due to the law that all citizens are assured of having equal opportunities in all academic and professional aspects.
  • There is harmony in society because the law is there. Otherwise, there will be complete chaos; strong people and groups will victimize their weaker counterparts without any control. People having the wisdom to act in an ethically right manner even without any external control are very few in this world. Law is necessary to keep the behavior of the majority in check, ensuring that the weak and the less fortunate remain safe.
  • It must be noted that the scope of law is not just restricted to preventing crime and punishing criminals. It is much wider than that. It’s predominantly due to the law that people are now able to get benefits such as access to basic education and health insurance.
  • Here is one more reason why we all have to respect the law. It is only because of the intervention of the legal system that several inhuman practices of the past have been abolished. Or else, even the people of contemporary times could have been compelled to live in a society having those barbaric customs and traditions.
  • A person who respects the legal system is aware of both their privileges and duties specified by law. These profiles never focus only on the rights; they are fully committed to performing their duties, as well. When more and more people adopt this broader approach, society becomes a harmonious place.
  • One more crucial point is worthy of special mention. Many of the laws in existence in this modern day are taken from several ancient, sacred texts. They are the teachings of many great saints and seers who realized their higher self.

Therefore, by respecting the law, we are expressing our reverence towards those great souls who walked on Earth. This is the precise reason why many aspects of law are similar to the timeless ethical guidelines that have been followed for thousands of years.