– Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient

Why Common Sense And Wisdom Is Uncommon in Modern World?

The reason for common sense being uncommon is that it is missing from modern education system. The education today is technical and scientific. It does not cover aspects that develop common sense. In such circumstances, there is no choice but to rarely find common sense in most people. This is probably one of the most fundamental defects of current education compared to ancient education.

Ancient education was better regarding common sense and wisdom
The key purpose of ancient education was to equip the student with a good grounding in common sense. This was done in several ways. One is to give importance to proverbs. It is very rare to find proverbs in formal education today. It has become more of a hobby, that is common with a small percentage of people.

Another reason for the lack of common sense is the lack of focus on wisdom. This is another major defect of the school education system.

Mistaken concepts about wisdom and common sense
Another not-so-sensible argument commonly heard today is that only after someone becomes rich and old they should focus on wisdom. The amount of de-emphasis done on introducing wisdom at a young age is this wrong concept. This mistaken concept that wisdom is developed after someone becomes successful or after old age has only led to a lack of wisdom with age or wealth.

Youth easily getting attracted to dangerous ideologies
We see a lack of focus on developing common sense and wisdom in every step of school education. No wonder we see today’s students supporting terrorists, criminals, and anarchists. This lack of common sense and wisdom is very obvious and seen even in the best and most expensive educational institutions and universities.

We also see many intelligent, brilliant, bright, and hard-working youth who have been admitted into elite educational institutions and become easily influenced by violent ideologies and criminal networks due to a lack of common sense and wisdom. This has happened repeatedly over the past decades.

We know that to avoid many social issues, bad habits, addictions, criminal manipulation, and going is wrong route is due to a lack of proper judgment. This right judgment can only be developed by cultivating common sense and wisdom. But there is no time for such important items in our textbooks.

Wisdom and common sense are very essential
A monkey cannot make use of any knowledge of various sciences and arts. Because it does not have the right mental framework. Even though it is closest to the human species among all animals. In the same way, the focus on teaching various sciences and arts will not make any difference unless there is a good development of common sense and wisdom in the person.

In fact, a person with common sense and wisdom may be able to succeed in life better than those with more scientific education by living a more sensible life. We see so many people who live better lives, more happy lives, and more successful lives due to their common sense.

Wisdom and common sense needs to become essential part of formal education
Over time, the old system of doing add-on education to youth is getting weak. Due to busy lives, influences of radio, television, video sites, and social media. There is hardly any time now for the vast majority of people to learn common sense and wisdom. For this reason, common sense and wisdom development need to become part of the formal education system for the betterment of humanity.