The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO): Embracing Life Without FOMO
JOMO, or the “joy of missing out,” is the opposite of FOMO, which is the “fear of missing out”. In this day and age of the internet and social media, where everything about everyone is freely accessible, people usually suffer from FOMO when they miss out on some status update or post by another individual.
According to psychologists, people have developed obsessive traits due to FOMO because they fear missing out on what they believe is significant to information. This gives them anxiety and sleeplessness and also leads to nervous breakdowns in many. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to FOMO as anything can affect them during that sensitive age.
There are many young adults also who are falling prey to FOMO and, as a result, start suffering from anxiety. It is essential to break free from FOMO and cultivate JOMO. So, do not fall prey to this internet mafia. JOMO will bring a positive change in your life and thought process.
Once you embrace JOMO, you will realize that social media is not as important as you make it out to be. It is a fake world, a virtual one where a majority of people do not even appear with their original identities. It is not a real or existing place. So, even if you miss a little information, it will not make any difference in your lives.
How did JOMO Originate?
JOMO, as a concept originated from the need of people to take a break from the constant cacophony of social media. When individuals started feeling stress and the heat of social media, as a result of burning out, the concept of JOMO was introduced to counter the act of FOMO. It was to make people aware that all social media information is noise and that you do not have to shape your life around it.
A beautiful world exists outside social media, which can be inspiring and motivating and connect you to real people, but all that will be possible only when you switch off your smart devices and take a break.
Benefits of JOMO
JOMO plays a significant role in developing personal growth and providing peace of mind from the constant chatter on social media. You will be able to have real and stronger bonds without the omnipresence of social media and its fake world. You will also learn to prioritize the real ones. Comparison is a killer, and that can be curtailed through JOMO.
When competition is reduced, stress is reduced, too, which brings peace of mind. JOMO will leave more time for creativity. You can let your creative juices flow and make something beautiful you can be proud of. JOMO improves sleep, promotes mental health, reduces the pressure of being present everywhere and participating in active trends, and most importantly, it helps free an individual from being trolled about comments or lifestyle choices. Thus, JOMO must be embraced often to develop a proper value system for life.