– Being Wise, Healthy and Financially Sufficient

Healthy Food Choices- What to Include in Diet Plan

Staying healthy is not at all a tough proposition. It is just the question of making sure that the staple diet consists of the right foods. These are the foods that both keep you healthy and help you maintain the ideal body weight. This write-up is going to educate you about the foods that have to be included in your diet plan.

  • Eggs: Some people are rather hesitant to include eggs in their diet plan. They opine that the high cholesterol content in eggs risks health and that this food has to be avoided altogether. This is just a misconception. Though an egg does have cholesterol, yet; consuming them in moderation doesn’t have any adverse impact. The abundance of vitamin D and protein in eggs goes a long way in keeping you healthy.
  • Spinach: The fiber-rich spinach comes under the “green leafy vegetables” category. It contains many vitamins and other compounds that are of immense value. These nutrients ensure that your body never gets dehydrated. With spinach, your hunger is satiated without having to eat more. Thus, spinach is a food that is very significant for people intending to lose weight. Here, you can also consume other greens such as kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens.
  • Fruits: Fruits have so many health-promoting properties that they deserve to be indispensable elements of your diet. Most of the fruits are packed with fiber and micronutrients pivotal for sound health. In this respect, you have Bananas, oranges, apples, pineapple, and mango, among others. You have the choice of going for canned fruit, as well. Here, you need to make certain that the canned varieties do not have artificial syrups and sugar.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is a food that has a high quantity of Vitamin C- a powerful antioxidant. Regular intake of Broccoli, which also has many other nutrients, minimizes your susceptibility to many types of cancers. This vegetable contains sulforaphane, a phytonutrient that prevents the body from storing fat.
  • Yogurt: An article on healthy foods will remain incomplete if it doesn’t make mention yogurt. Yogurt, a probiotic food, is extremely useful for weight loss. The good bacteria that are seen in yogurt strengthen the body’s immune system,  many illnesses can then be prevented.
  • Plant oils: You should add only vegetable oils like canola, olive, sunflower, and corn to your food items. You are better off avoiding hydrogenated oils that have trans- fats at alarming levels. And, these are the fats that can seriously endanger your health.
  • Meat items: When we come to meat items, you should stick to only poultry and seafood. These foods supply the required level of protein and other nutrients to your body, without increasing the quantity of bad cholesterol. In this connection, one needs to cut down on the consumption of red meat.
  • Nuts: When you are seeking foods that are rich in fiber as well as protein, nuts are excellent options. The nuts have plant compounds that keep your heart protected from many conditions.

There are many other foods suitable to be present in your diet plan. All of those couldn’t be mentioned here due to a shortage of space. Moreover, the above-mentioned aspects are just general dietary guidelines. It is only your doctor who can decide what is the most appropriate diet schedule for you.

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