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Is Tap Water Better Than Hard Water To Help Keep Hydrated In India’s Hot Weather?

In India, the temperature soars high during the scorching summer day, and the climate becomes unbearable due to increased humidity. Especially during the hot weather, the body’s natural cooling mechanisms, like sweating work overtime to regulate internal temperature. While increased sweating leads to fluid loss, hydration becomes an absolute necessity. It is crucial to keep the body hydrated in such scorching conditions by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. While several beverages like lemonade, coconut water, and buttermilk can replenish the lost electrolytes, drinking water is the best choice to stay hydrated.

However, the debates swirling around tap water’s quality and the effects of hard water cannot be ignored. Thus, it is essential to know whether tap water helps keep you hydrated in India’s hot weather or hard water can be a good option.

In this article, we delve into the concerns surrounding hard water and whether tap water is a good option to stay hydrated or hard water is a better option.

Why hard water is considered a nuisance for household and not a health issue?
Millions of people rely on hard water for various purposes including drinking. Hard water contains magnesium and calcium ions like dissolved minerals. These minerals are naturally found in Earth’s crust and dissolve into groundwater as it flows through porous rocks and soil containing these minerals. The composition of hard water can vary depending on geological factors and the degree of hardness is measured in terms of calcium carbonate per litre. Apart from calcium and magnesium, hard water may contain traces of other minerals like iron, sulphate, and manganese.

However, hard water is generally considered safe for drinking despite the dissolved mineral contents. The hardness of water is determined by the milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter, which is measured in parts per million (ppm). In general, water with less than 60ppm is considered soft, water with 60-120ppm is moderately hard and water with more than 120ppm is hard.

While the effects of hard water can interfere with the action of soaps and detergents as well as other household chores, it doesn’t pose any significant health risks. Studies have found that hard water has positive effects on the health of its drinkers. Studies suggest magnesium and calcium ions in hard water have a protective effect on cardiovascular diseases, depending on dose intake. Moreover, calcium and magnesium in hard water may help protect against colon, gastric, pancreatic cancer, and, rectal cancer. Even magnesium may help protect against oesophageal and ovarian cancer. Additionally, hard water may also play a protective role against atherosclerosis in children.

While the daily recommended consumption of magnesium is 420 mg, an intake of hard water of about 2 liters can account for about 12% of that. Even the consumption of hard water can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes who often experience hypomagnesemia. Extra intake of magnesium through drinking water can be beneficial for these people. Moreover, heightened magnesium concentration in hard water can also be beneficial for people experiencing chronic constipation.

On the other hand, some other studies have shown that the mineral contents in hard water may lead to personal health issues, mostly skin and hair issues, especially among children. Moreover, when using hard water for bathing, some people may experience dryness, irritation, or eczema flare-ups. The mineral contents in hard water may strip away natural oil from hair and skin, leaving them feeling dry and brittle.

However, hard water though can be harsh on appliances and pipes, it is not hard on the body, and can give the daily intake of calcium and magnesium a nice little boost.

Is tap water better than hard water in keeping hydrated?
Despite the concerns of contamination of tap water, it is better than hard water to help keep hydrated. Municipalities in India, excluding some rural areas, have robust water treatment systems with which they ensure supplying safe tap water suitable for consumption. Moreover, the mineral contents in tap water can contribute to keeping hydrated. Tap water sourced from properly treated supplies is generally a safe, easily accessible, and cost-effective way to stay hydrated.

Ensure to replenish lost fluids to maintain hydration level
However, it is essential to replenish lost fluids to maintain proper hydration levels and support the overall well-being of health. Lost fluids can be replenished by consuming electrolyte-rich foods and beverages.

While tap water can be a valuable ally to stay hydrated in scorching summer, it is essential to prioritize water safety and consider electrolyte balance. On the other hand, mineral content in hard water can contribute to daily mineral intake. Though hard water can be beneficial in multiple ways, its harsh effects on household appliances and plumbing cannot be ignored.