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Ethics Common to All

The term “ethics” includes various moral norms that guide the behavior of an individual. Ethics helps an individual to discriminate between the good and the bad, and the right and wrong. Overall, these norms help human beings to act in a way that does not violate the interests of society/people in proximity.

It has been observed that ethics tends to vary from one individual to another due to several factors. Customs & traditions, religious background, upbringing, and geographic region are a few of those. But at the same time, some ethics are common to all people.

  • Every human being is expected to stick to ethics such as honesty and integrity. When people adhere to these virtues, it has a positive impact on both their personal and professional lives. These profiles earn the reputation of being trustworthy and dependable. When the majority of people abide by these values, society becomes a place filled with harmony.
  • Likewise, traits like selflessness and respect are common to all, as well. People’s actions have to be selfless and in the best interests of everyone concerned. They shouldn’t give too much importance to their desires and goals. Similarly, when there is mutual respect among people, their personal as well as professional lives are greatly benefited.
  • Respect for nature is also among the ethical guidelines that all people have to follow. Growth and prosperity that are attained by abusing nature and the environment are detrimental in the long run.
  • Development loses its value when the environment in which we live is filled with toxic substances resulting from commercialization. It’s our bound duty towards future generations to provide them with an environment having minimal pollution. Here, the judicious use of natural resources is a crucial aspect, too.
  • It needs to be understood that all life forms have been designed with a nature unique to them. This includes human beings, as well. Here, it would be ethical for people to make sure that they do not attempt to deviate from their inherent nature.
  • If humans try to do actions that go against their nature, it will be harmful both to individuals and the world at large. It’s our ethical responsibility to behave accordingly and contribute towards a harmonious society. As an example, if people indulge in dishonest actions driven by selfishness, it will disturb the orderliness of society. In the same way, showing disrespect to nature carries its consequences, like increased pollution gravely affecting the health of people.
  • Sometimes there are situations in life where it becomes tough to decide what comes under the purview of “ethics”, and what does not. Here, people have to use their wisdom to decide about the right course of action.
  • For example, it is ethical to speak the truth and never utter a lie. But, it isn’t unethical if doctors conceal the truth to protect the patient from receiving a sudden shock. Here, medical professionals mustn’t blindly stick to “always speak only the truth.” People need to have the wisdom to act as per the situations they face.
  • One more pivotal principle of ethics is that people should realize that there is a connectedness between all humans. We are all small parts of the supreme cosmic source. This particular principle helps us to be more empathetic and considerate towards fellow humans.