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Wisdom Through Adversity: Kota IIT Coaching VK Bansal’s Story

Here is a story of resilience and growth against great adversity. An inspiring story of real champions from India. It is quite a paradox how adversity teaches wisdom and how wisdom influences adversity. There are many people in the pages of history who have overcome adversity with resilience. Resilience is the ability of an individual to return to his/her original form in terms of mental and physical capacity.

Importance of resilience in overcoming adversity
Resilience is not built in a day. It is the strength of character that is built gradually by facing challenges in life. When you overcome challenges, resilience is built in your character which then impacts your life positively. All the role models in every professional field have been resilient and thus inspire many lives through their stories.

With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes resilience. The knowledge of the fact that the bad time is just a phase in one’s life helps to overcome any adversity. Having the mental strength to bounce back from problems and stand your ground strongly tells a lot about an individual. Adversity is inevitable no matter where you live or from which social strata you belong.

Facing that adversity builds resilience which in turn makes you wise. History has many inspiring stories of such people who with their resilience have transformed their lives from a vicious trap of failures into a fulfilling one.

Vinod Kumar Bansal – confronting adversity
The life story of Vinod Kumar Bansal or VK Bansal Sir is one of them. He was also diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, and doctors had given him a limited period to live. Even after being perpetually wheelchair-bound, Bansal Sir never lost hope and continued to motivate students and teachers to break the barriers.

Now, he is known as the Father of the IIT-JEE coaching preparation revolution in Kota, Rajasthan. He started coaching 8 students at his house in 1983, and his students managed to crack the IIT JEE mains and advance. This inspired him to grow more.

He set up a company by name Bansal Classes Pvt. Ltd. to formally help students across India clear the exams and fulfill their dreams of becoming engineers. The gap between aspiration and fulfillment was diminished by VK Bansal, the Guru of IIT coaching classes.

VK Bansal – His unique teaching methodology:
Bansal had a unique ability to break down complex mathematical concepts into easily understandable parts, ensuring deep comprehension.  Bansal’s direct mentorship provided students with not just academic guidance but also life lessons and inspiration, which was irreplaceable. His holistic approach to teaching was to not just teach but also mentor, guide, and shape the overall character of students was unique and highly influential.

Pioneering work leads to development of city and industry
Today, Kota has now become the hub of coaching institutes, with nearly 180,000 students from across India enrolling in 40 different coaching institutes. Over the years, they have nurtured toppers from among the students. In the year 2017, 39,000 aspirants who cracked the IIT-JEE mains were from different institutes in Kota and made up half of the top 100 students. The huge education industry that runs today, creating successful professionals, trains students not only to study but also to have a work-life balance progressively. All the credit for making Kota the IIT training capital goes to VK Bansal Sir for his pioneering work.

Importance of resilience
Resilience provides mental strength to become strong and gives the power to bounce back from rock bottom. It protects you from psychological disorders like anxiety and depression, which can also lead to heart attack, high BP, and hormonal imbalances impacting your life in the worst of ways.  VK Bansal is a great Indian example of someone who rose from adversity to greatness. From suddenly becoming wheel chair bound, how he used his mental strength to reinvent himself to teach, inspire and motivate thousands of bright students to achieve academic excellence.

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