Dharmaprachara Neglect By The Rich And Popular Hindu Temples
Today, when we mention dharma prachara, the Hindu public assumes it means pooja, brahmotvsavam, archanas, yagnas, and pilgrimages to temples. When some point out that we need to do more dharma prachara, others exclaim how many more archanas, yajna, or brahmotvasams can we do in the temple.
The reality is we are missing a big issue. Purohitam, archakam, and pilgrimages are part of dharma prachara but even together they don’t represent the entire range of dharma prachara activities. Essentially, this article argues that many parts of dharma prachara are badly neglected.
Purohitam and 16 sanskaras are another aspect of Hindu dharma though they are typically not always performed in the temples. The 16 samskaras being Simantonayan, Jatkarma, Naamkaran, Annaprasan, marriage to name a few with the last one being Antyesti(funeral). Doing them properly will give liberation to the aatma when a person finally departs from this world. The funeral pyre is lit for regular Hindus as the heaven can be approached only through fire.
While both of the above paragraphs cover the temple duties of the archaka and support for the 16 sanskaras by the Purohita. Dharmaprachara is much more wider.
Hindu Dharma prachara suppressed during foreigners’ rule
Hindu dharma and its various mutt sampradayas are very different in their outlook and behavior compared to the Western religions and their sects. We have historically seen in other continents that within Abrahamic religion one sect persecutes another sect which is very difficult to understand for followers of Hindu dharma. Also on matter of dharma especially samanya dharma, there are not much differences among Hindus despite their different matha sampradayas.
However, thousands of years of influence and bossism by Abrahamic religions on Hindu subjects during the invaders’ rule seem to have affected the dharma prachara practices of Hindu institutions, especially temples.
Today, we don’t think of Dharmic prachaar activities beyond pooja, brahmotvsavam, archanas, yagnas, and pilgrimages to temples. No doubt, they are absolutely critical and essential part of Hinduism. But many aspects of dharma prachara are getting neglected. While India has gained Independence, the light of freedom has not yet removed the darkness of ignorance on many aspects of Hindu dharmaprachara.
Need to move beyond Bhakti:
The main element of Bhakti is shraddha and belief in the divine as well as dharma. As Bhakti always believes in karma and punishment of the oppressor, they passively believe in dharma rather than directly supporting its enforcement.
This passive behavior is a modification or protective mechanism and its no secret that the Bhakti movement was at its peak during oppression and dominance of invaders with mindset bent on punishing those following Hindu dharma.
In essence, following dharma helps people lead a fulfilling and contented life – while bhakti was an alternate method for difficult times under invaders. Just bhakti is not enough for Hindus in a free India.
What type of dharma prachara is neglected?
Dharma prachar is also about Ramayana and Mahabharata rendering as its interesting, entertaining, and inspirational. In a way TV serials of Ramayana and Mahabharata has done solid dharmaprachar. Probably more than most major temples.
When did a major temple do a reading of the Ramayana and Mahabharata or the Panchatantra for kids. There is much wisdom, aspiration, character building from many stories in not just Ramayana and Mahabharata but also Panchatantra or Vikram Betal. Through these stories, common Hindus will understand the framework of our way of life and the elements of the dharma in stories while entertaining themselves.
Everyone agrees that honesty and niti are missing the population, and the temples coffers are filled with hundreds of crores but they don’t promote the light of various nitishastras to reach the Hindu audience.
What exactly is dharma prachar that is missing in Hinduism?
India has now completed 75 years of Independence and the world today is very unlike the past as in the colonial expansion of Europe or the middle east before that was prevalent. It’s time temple encourage seva to various activities at the temple instead of only dharshan. Dharshan is important but seva by pilgrims cannot be neglected. Temples should also encourage samrastha of all Hindus especially in pilgrims where traditionally no high or low status are valid during pilgrimages.
Temples can also preach about elements of atmikta which lifts people standards of behavior and makes them better individuals. Hindus need to be educated about the evils of arishadvargas – kama, krodha, lobha, mada, matsarya and moham. Also, promote the atmagunas a few of which are daya, kshanti(forebearance), mangalam, saucha, akarpanya and anayasa. This not only makes people better but also improves the society as a whole.
There is a lot of literature about proverbs and metaphases in the regional languages to develop wisdom and common sense. The same can be promoted by temple with their hoard of wealth.
Defects in British inspired education system can be corrected by Dharma prachara
While British inspired education is pushing college education as primary method, this is quite different from actual practice in Japan, Germany or USA. Very similar to other countries not all Hindus have the IQ and intellect to pursue collegial education. Our traditional gurukul education of chaturdasa vidya and 64 kala respected both intellect and working with hands. Today, there is hardly any promotion of 64 kalas and giving respect to the work of craftsmen. It is acknowledged that Bhagwan Krishna had mastered the 64 kalas during his vedic education in the Ashram of Rishi Sandeepani. However, our temples are focused only on the 9 fine arts of the 64 kalas and are not promoting the full 64 kalas. The 64 kalas not only help develop the minds of the young during education, develop pride and satisfaction in work, they can help them make a living by mastering one or more of the 64 kalas.
Since 64 kala is much misunderstood, each kala is blessed by Saraswati Devi and the ‘Ka’ root word in kala represents Bhagwan Brahma the creator. The misunderstanding of Kalas in Hindu population is not resolved by temples and most Hindus are ignorant of them. It is time to get the right understanding of the 64 kalas. Not just the 8 fine arts but the rest of the 64 kalas like herbal medicine, mechanics, mining and gems, hospitality, jewelry, fashion, innovation, language skills, and aesthetics.
The temples can do a lot more to support the mastering of socially useful kalas or skilled work to supplement government educational institutions. It will also give confidence to youth that not just degrees but skills are also helpful.
Benefits of Hindu dharma pracharas
The awareness of Itihasa Puranas, Panchatantra, Vikram Betal and Nitishastras leads to development in Hindus of common sense, wisdom and develops proper attitudes which are essential for their welfare. Unlike in a generation two or three back, today’s grandparents are not well versed in the Itihasa Puranas as in the past. As Western education has destroyed this system, the onus is on the Hindu Temples system to correct and revise this knowledge among Hindus as a living tradition. Temples cannot restrict themselves to supporting archakatvam and purohitam by enabling only 16 samskaras, archanas, yajnas and pilgrimages. That is not enough on dharma prachara.
The organizations that have strived to bring back Hindu victims of proselytization by terrorist organizations in Kerala have done more to protect Hindu dharma with their literature and personal counselling to build self-worth in the victims and respect for Hindu dharma. Because unlike in Brahmotsavams, the conversions away from Hinduism are done one-to-one where moral support from other Hindus is missing or is less than majority. The number of devotees at Brahmotsavams and pilgrimages will be giving false sense of confidence while situation on ground in the various villages and urban areas is much in need of dharma prachara to build self-worth, confidence and shradha in Hindus.
This cannot be done by the archakas and purohits as they are already over burdened with their responsibilities. There needs to be new roles that need to be created in the temple system. The role of Hindu temples was very comprehensive but under invaders from land and sea the role of temple has been much reduced.
Hindu Bhagwans are not money-minded – temples should avoid accumulating wealth
It is time to realize that our deities are not money minded, they are dharma-minded. Just accumulating wealth with out proper use is not considered a good thing. The English Education Act and Endowments Act has in recent centuries done much harm to the dharma prachara at Hindu temple system especially in reducing Hindu dharma prachara. The biggest tragedy is this has happened with temples having forgotten their role in dharma prachara instead accumulating thousands of crores of assets and some even lakhs of crores.
Money needs to be spend on doing the duty of dharma prachaar and leading by example – hoarding of wealth is not associated with the divine. The wealth of temples is only meant for ensuring continuity in performing dharma prachara – including taking care of Hindus affected by famines, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis – showing them the divine takes care of them. Sometimes, some devout Hindu families are affected by bad fate – such families should be identified and relief provided. Such acts help build shraddha and belief in Hindu deities.
What’s the way forward on Hindu Dharma prachaar
On an end note, some senior people in major temples have to step back and think – what was the nature of Hindu temples when they were not under oppressive foreign rulers hundreds or thousands of years back? Then make and execute specific action plans to improve the dharma prachara in the right manner – steadily by strengthening and growing capacity and funding every year.
The Hindu public has done their duty by blessing the temples with their hard-earned income so temples across India could collect lakhs of crores for over the past few decades after independence. It is time for the temple board members, Hindu political leaders, administrators, the mattadhikaris, and dharmagurus to do their duty for Hindu dharma.
Are you a Hindu leader? Isn’t it time for you to do a sankalpam to enable more Hindu dharma prachara?